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Hour Opportunities


  • Always log your hours for every donation, independent social, fundraiser, or volunteer activity you participate in! You must log your hours on the VIRTUAL HOUR LOG in order to receive credit.

  • Hour Requirement: 25 hours for the entire year

  • Look at the calendar below and Remind messages to be informed of hour opportunities!

  • Remember to look at the MASTER HOUR SHEET to verify that your hours were inputted correctly! (Please give us at least a week to input hours.)

Calendar of Events!

  • Attached below is a calendar of all LCHS Key Club events (which includes meeting dates, volunteer opportunities, donations, and fundraisers.)

  • This calendar will be updated once or twice a week but may still contain errors. For the most up-to-date information, make sure to join our Remind course where we post the newest information. If you have any questions, you can text any of the Chapter Officers on Remind or email us at

Smart Suggestion:

  • Although you should always log your hours on the Virtual Hour Log, it is recommended that you keep track of your hours on a separate document. (This would serve as a good future reference if you ever need proof of your hours.)

  • Here is the link to an hour card you could use to keep track of your hours on your own. (Remember this is just a recommendation and not required.)

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